ELECT Case Manager
Headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Congreso is a leading provider of high-quality programs with an expert focus on the Latino community. Its Primary Client Model (PCM™), which ensures a client-centered, data-driven approach to service delivery, is the foundation for Congreso’s nationally renowned emphasis on outcomes measurement.
Congreso was an early adopter of this framework for how nonprofits moved from outputs to outcomes. Growing from one data manager in 2002 to a Data and Evaluation Department has provided consultation to nonprofits around the nation, thereby strengthening other organizations who seek to be high performing.
Maria consistently goes above and beyond the School District’s compliance requirements in order to meet the individualized needs of students. One funder requirement is that case managers meet with students for 4 hours per month. It is typical for some students on Maria’s caseload to have 10+ hours of service! Maria takes an individualized approach to her work with students, ensuring each student’s unique needs are being met.
Maria says, “I am realistic with students. I utilize grades, attendance and behavioral records to help guide the work that I do with students. This information allows me to present options that may better suit a student’s current reality. And having good data in our performance management system is a key.”
Maria maintains an average home visit completion rate of 96.36%, well above the 75% completion rate required.
Keeping the students engaged and improving in the program is a key to its success. This is another area where Maria’s performance shines: her students stay in the program 29% longer than any of her peers doing similar work, allowing them to see the true benefits of the program.
Maria also innovates: Maria was the first case manager in the ELECT team to implement formal “report card conferences” in her school. This gives her her an opportunity to build rapport with teachers and school staff.