Caitlin Kennedy

Job Coach, Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO)

The Organization

CEO believes that if individuals with a criminal background get employment placement services upon release from prison, they will be less likely to be re-incarcerated in the future.

CEO provides a combination of transitional jobs, hands-on trainings, job coaching, mental health counseling, job placement, and post-placement services in order to accomplish the goal of reducing recidivism among the parole and probation populations. Each person receives services over the course of at least a year.

Why Caitlin is a Superstar

Job Coaches are responsible for participants’ progress to become Job Start Ready (JSR). Caitlin is a superstar because of her excellent case management skills and superior results. She keeps participants engaged in the program, builds their confidence, and helps them become job ready in less time than other coaches. Her participants outperform her colleagues’ participants on reaching the 180-day employment milestone, a major performance indicator at CEO.

Caitlin actively reviews individuals’ barriers to employment and addresses these barriers with her participants on a weekly basis. She drafts handouts without any prompts from management, so her participants are able to take home and visualize their “homework” for the week. Caitlin uses the handouts and motivational interviewing techniques to engage participants effectively in the program, and to help them visualize their progress in job coaching.

The Data: